

Performances Rather Poor on Account of Heavy Track.

Third heat. Won by F. H. Bigelow; second, L. W. Redpath. Time, 10 3-5s.

Final heat. Won by F. H. Bigelow; second, L. W. Redpath; third, J. T. Roche, Jr. Time, 10 2-5s.

Mile Walk.

Won by J. D. Phillips; seond, C. J. Liebmann; third, P. Nichols. Time, 7m. 22s.

440 Yards Dash.


Won by E. Hollister; second, H. H. Fish; third, W. R. Mansfield. Time, 50 4-5s.

220 Yards Dash.

Won by F. H. Bigelow; second, L. W. Redpath; third, A. M. Eaton. Time 23 1-5s.

Running Broad Jump.

Won by J. G. Clark; second, F. Mason; third, A. Stickney, Jr. Distance, 22 ft. 2 1-2 in.

Throwing 16 Pound Hammer.

Won by W. D. Hennen; distance, 105 ft. 10 in.; second, F. G. Shaw, 92 ft. 9 in.; third, I. Haines.

Putting 16 Pound Shot.

Won by K. K. Kubli, 37 ft. 6 in.; second, F. G. Shaw, 35 ft. 7 in.; third, A. Lovering, 35 ft. 3 in.

(Running high jump and pole vault postponed).
