
University Calendar.

March 7. Saturday.Harvard Teachers Association. Fifth Annual Meeting. A Wider Range of Electives in College Admission Requirements. President Eliot, Mr. C. H. Grandgent, and Mr. J. Y. Bergen, Jr. Sever 11, 9.30 a. m.

Open to the public.

8. Sunday.Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Bishop John H. Vincent, of Topeka, Kansas.

Week-day morning prayers begin at 8.45 a. m. No seats are reserved.

Bishop John H. Vincent will conduct prayers from March 9 to March 13.


The preacher conducting prayers may be found at Wadsworth House 1 every week-day during his term of service.

Bishop Vincent may be found at Wadsworth House 1 daily from 9 to 11.

9. Monday.President and Fellows of Harvard College. Adjourned meeting at No. 50 State street, Boston, 10.15 a. m.

Seminary of American History and Institutions. The Bishop of London's Jurisdiction over the Colonies. Mr. A. L. Cross. University 20, 3.30 p. m.

Seminary of Economics. The International Trade of the United States in its Relation to Recent Currency Legislation. Mr. A. Sweezey. University 23, 4.30 p. m.

Physical Colloquium. Discussion of Recent Papers in the "Annalen der Physik." Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 24, 5 p. m.

Harvard Religious Union. Weekly Meeting and Discussion. Subject: John Morley and Intellectual Honesty. Parlors of the First Parish Church, 6.45 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Exhibition of Lantern Slides. III. Illustrating the Fine Arts of the Middle Ages. Professor Moore. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 p. m.

Open to the public.
