
'Varsity Race.

Today at half past twelve the two University trial eights will row a race over the two mile course in the Back Bay. The men have been under Mr. Lehmann's coaching since his arrival, the thirteenth of last month, and have been in strict training for over two weeks. The make-up of the crews for the race today was decided upon about ten days ago and as no changes have been made since that time the eights should be fairly well together. The race will be rowed down stream from the Longwood bridge to the Union Boat Club and will be started promptly at 12.30. Silver medals will be presented to the crew of the winning boat and bronze medals to the losers. The medals are the gift of J. J. Storrow of the class of 1885 and Mr. Francis Peabody. The make up of the crews and their weights is as follows:


Bow, C. Hurley, 155

2, G. Marvin, 159 1-2

3, H. McDuffie, 156


4, J. F. Perkins, 166

5, S. Hollister, 171

6, C. Thomson, 171

7, D. M. Goodrich, 175 1-2

Stroke, C. C. Bull, 160

Bow, H. Adams, 152

2, H. G. Rice, 155

3, W. H. Cameron, 167 1-2

4, A. A. Sprague, 189 1-2

5, M. Duffield, 190 1-2
