
Special Notice.

ANY student not having the celebrated "Thistle Edition" of Robert Louis Stevenson's works can obtain one on very easy terms by addressing X, CRIMSON. Also a very choice edition of Victor Hugo, gilt tops. One hundred photogravures, bound in three-quarter extra morocco binding, only $1.00 per month. Also the complete works of Bulwer, Dickens, Dumas, Waverly, Eliot, Thackeray, Irving, Emerson, Holmes, Lowell Hawthorne, Longfellow and Whittier bound in the same elegant style on similar easy terms. Also a magnificent set of the "Arabian Nights," unexpurgated, very rare. Also Scribner's Sabine edition of Engene Field. 10 vol. $15.00. $1.50 per mo. Also all the Standard Dictionaries and Encyclopedias on easy monthly payments. 66 2

THE Harvard Index is out. Price, 75 cents. Directory of students; home and college address; and members of all clubs. You should have one. 66 tf.

THE Crawford Shoe has no competitor. Easy as an old one. Economy in it. At Crawford Shoe Stores, 225 Washington street and 36 Park square.

MENU of today's Table d'hote dinner at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street, from 12 to 2 and 6 to 7 p. m.; 50c. Soup: Croute an pot. Fish: Smelts a la Tartar. Joint: Roast Rib of Beef. Entrees: Oxtails braise a I'Italienne, Mayonaise de volaille. Vegetables: Carrots a la Creme, Mashed Potatoes. Dessert: Pancakes a la Gelee.

First class board. Club room and tables.

