
Special Notice.

FOUND, night of parade (Friday), pair of gold spectacles. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. 29 tf

$$ Brains $ Wanted $$ and a few thousand $$ with them, to enlarge scope of theatrical periodical several years established. F. W. Coburn, 15 School street, Boston.

LOST.- Saturday, Oct. 31, probably on Soldiers Field, pamphlet "Religion u. d. Geschichte," von A. Harnack. Finder please leave at office of CRIMSON.

FOR SALE.- A students revolving, spring-seated chair and a book case. Inquire at CRIMSON office.

HISTORY 1.- Tutoring for hour examination.


R. R. MILLER, 16 Oxford street.31 2t

After the game is over,

After the battle's done,

Hasten to Boston and Huyler's,

Whether you've lost or won.

College flags in the windows;

Dainties piled up in the store;

Between Huyler's goal posts

Victors and Vanquished may score. 31 3t

LOST.- A note-book containing notes in Physics 1, Geology 2, etc. Reward for its return to

C. D. DREW, 18 Conant.FIRST-CLASS Table Board. 26 Trowbridge street, corner of Harvard. $7.00 per week. 31 4t

A FEW more boarders can be accommodated at the French Restaurant, No. 3 Linden street. A club table (10 to 12) may also be secured.
