
Special Notice.

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure headache.

FRENCH CONVERSATION.- Almost instantaneous system of acquiring French colloquially; no text-book; no grammar; greatest labor saving, time-saving system; an infallible method of gaining a "practical" use and full command of all the French verbs and leading idioms, within the compass of 800 words, imparting the power of "thinking" in French and fluency of expression. Trial lesson free. For particulars address Professor Etienne Lambert, 21 Worcester street, Boston. 23 tf

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure indigestion.

READ'S BLOCK, Boylston street. A few suites and single rooms in this favorite building to rent. Apply to janitor. 2 tf

Go to Bartlett's for St. Christobal Salts.


PUFFS are in style, and also the Ascot and Princess ties. We have taken a great deal of care in selecting the choicest patterns that can be obtained for the money.

J. W. BRINE, 1312 and 1436 Mass. Ave.TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Keep the system pure.

TUTROING in Government 1, Philoso 1, Economics 1, History 1, and History 10. Four years' successful experience, Latest notes, etc.

R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., (A. B. '96), 4 Hollis Hall.29 3t

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure liver trouble.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Private Lessons. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, German. Careful and thorough instruction.

J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.29 4t

FOUND, night of parade (Friday), pair of gold spectacles. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. 29 tf

FOR the coming week at the Castle Square Theatre a revival of Auber's tuneful "Fra Diavolo" is announced, and the revival of this favorite example of all that is best in the French school of light opera is sure to give satisfaction to patrons of the Castle Square Company. "Fra Diavole" has held the musical public's both sides the Atlantic throughout the present generation, and it enjoyed the greatest popularity upon the European stage for more than a quarter of a century before it was heard in this country. Its music shows that remarkable fertility of Auber's melodic invention and his genius in chorus writing is at all times prominently exhibited in its numbers. The story is full of interest with ample contrast in its scenes and incidents, and the humerous features afford opportunities which greatly heighten its enjoyment. The cast will be as follows:
