
B. A. A., 8; HARVARD, 6.

Harvard Defeated in Poorly Played Contest.

Last Saturday, to the disappointment of those who had expected to see an improvement after the Princeton game, the Harvard team put up the worst football they have shown this year. With the exception of the centre men and Dunlop and Moulton, the men played wretchedly, the line men failing to hold B. A. A. at all except at rare intervals, and the backs being unable to gain even a yard at critical points. Especial credit however should be given Doucette who played good hard football throughout, and to Dunlop who made the touchdown practically unaided. The other backs played a good game up to their weight, but they averaged less than 150 pounds, and were consequently unable to gain much ground through the heavy B. A. A. line.

Curtis played a star game, making a pretty 80 yard run for a touchdown on a fake kick, well guarded by the B. A. A. interference. Le Moyne at tackle played well and Horton took good care of his end. The game was as a rule clean, although once or twice Russell seemed to loose his temper at being outplayed by his opponent.

The most encouraging thing about the game was that the cripples of the Harvard team were not made to play.

Harvard won the toss and took the wind. Russell kicked off to Brine who tried to return it but the kick was blocked. On the third down Dibblee kicked out of bounds at the 30 yard line. Curtis and Anthony worked Mills and Lee for good gains and Curtis finally carried the ball over, but Russell missed the goal. Score, B. A. A. 4, Harvard O.

Beale kicked off, Curtis returning to the middle of the field. From here Harvard rushed the ball three times to B. A. A.'s 10 yard line, losing it once on a fumble and once for holding. Finally Dunlop was given the ball and ploughed through for a touchdown. Beale kicked goal. Score, B. A. A. 4, Harvard 6. Neither side scored during the rest of the half.


In the second half Livermore, Cochrane and Swain replaced Dunlop, Beale and Mills. Cochrane kicked off and after several exchanges of kicks Curtis ran 80 yards on a fake kick for a touchdown. Russell missed the goal. Score, B. A. A. 8, Harvard 6. During the rest of the half Harvard had the ball three times on B. A. A. 's 15 yard line, only to lose it on downs.

The line-up:


Lewis, l. e. r. e., Butler.

Mills, (Swain), l. t. r. t., LeMoyne.

Bouve, l. g. r. g., Cuntz.

Doucette, c. c., Russell.

N. Shaw, r. g. l. g., Wilson.

Lee, r. t., l. t., Barter.

Moulton, r. e. l. e., Horton.
