
University Calendar.

Subject: "Resolved, That the United States should propose an alliance with England for the protection of the Christians in Turkey."

Principal disputants.- Affirmative, R. E. Olds '97 and R. G. Leypoldt, Sp.- Negative: F. H. Smith, L. S., and H. D. Bushnell, '98.

Geological excursion to New Haven, Conn., conducted by Professor Davis.

Members leave Boston and Albany station at 4 p. m. for New Haven. Return either Saturday or Sunday evening. Stay at Tontine Hotel, New Haven.

Geological Excursion to Hoosac Mt., conducted by Professor Wolff.


Members leave Union Station by Fitchburg R. R. at 3 p. m. for North Adams, Mass.; returning to Cambridge Saturday evening.

Intending members of either excursion will please give notice to Mr. Jaggar, Room 3, M. Z. (Office hours, 9 to 10 a. m.)

Appleton Chapel-Sunday Evening.Oct. 18.- Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, D. D., of New York, N. Y.

Oct. 25.- Right Rev. Davis Sessums, of New Orleans, La.

Nov. 1.- Rev. George Hodges, D. D., of Cambridge, Mass.

Nov. 8. Rev. George Hodges, D. D., of Cambridge, Mass.

Nov. 15.- Rev. W. W. Fenn, of Chicago, III.

Nov. 22.- Rev. W. W. Fenn, of Chicago, III.

Geological Excursions.The following general excursions are offered by the Department of Geology and Geography for the fall of 1896. These excursions are open to all members of New England colleges (for men), and to all members of the University. For further information address Mr. T. A. Jaggar, Room 3, ground floor, M. Z. Office hours, 9-10 a. m. daily.

Oct. 17. Excursion to Nahant, conducted by Professor Shaler.
