Mathematics 10, Jeff. Lab. 22.
Mathematics 17, Sev. 32.
Mathematics 25, Sev. 25.
Military Science, Harv. 5.
Engineering 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1f, 2a, 4a, 4d. L. S. S. 1.
Engineering 2c, L. S. S. 4.
Engineering 3a, L. S. S. 3d fl.
Engineering 3c, 7a, 11a, 12a, 13a, 13b, 13d, 14a, 14b, 18a, Rogers Building.
Engineering 5a, 5c, 21, L. S. S. 6
Engineering 6d L. S. S. 7.
Engineering 16a, 16c, 16d, L. S. S., Wing B.
Engineering 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 10e, L. S. S. 1, Oct. 2, 2.30 p. m.
Physics B, 1, Jeff. Lab. 1.
Physics C, 2, Jeff. Lab. 41.
Physics 3, Jeff. Lab. 6.
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