The Catalogue of the University for 1895-96 will be put on sale today. In general plan it is identical with that of last year, but owing to the growth of the University thirty-three more pages were necessarily added to hold the additional information.
Several changes are announced in the board of administrative officers of the University. Professor J. M. Pierce has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to succeed Professor Dunbar, who was forced to resign on account of ill-health. Professor John H. Wright has been appointed to succeed Professor Peirce as Dean of the Graduate School. Owing to the resignation of Professor Langdell of the Law School, Professor James Barr Ames has become Dean of the Law Faculty. The death of Professor Thomas H. Chandler left vacant the position of Dean of the Dental School which has been filled by the appointment of Professor Eugene H. Smith. Professor Frederick H. Osgood is acting as Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine.
The position of secretary of the University, which was vacant for so long a time, has been filled by the appointment of Byron S. Hurlbut as Recording Secretary and Richard Cobb as Corresponding Secretary. The new position of Curator of the Fogg Art Museum is filled by Assistant Professor Charles H. Moore.
The only change in the Corporation is the addition of Francis C. Lowell in place of William C. Endicott, resigned.
In the board of Overseers Robert M. Morse of Boston was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Hon. Samuel Hoar from the Overseers to the Corporation. The vacancy caused by a like promotion of Francis C. Lowell has not yet been filled. The new Overseers elected last June, who hold office until 1901, are Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Francis Adams and Robert Grant. Edmund Wetmore and Robert Bacon were re-elected.
In the divisions and departments the only change is the appointment of Professor Taussig as chairman of the department of Political Economy, to succeed Professor Dunbar. Of the new department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Professor Wolff is chairman. Thirty-six former instrutors have left the College. In their places forty-two new men have taken up their work.
The report of the Librarian shows an increase in the library, for the year, of 18,010 books.
The chief interest in the Catalogue centres in the comparative statistics of the enrolment last year and this year. The table is as follows:
1894-5. 1895-6.
Professors, 80 81
Associate Professors, 3 3
Assistant Professors, 35 35
Lecturers, 11 13
Tutors, 1 1
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