
Special Notice.

F. L. MEREDITH, B. S., 8 Ellery St.,

TUTORING in Govt. 1, History 1, 5, 6, 9, 13.

A. M. WOLFSON '93, Address or call evening at 13 Mellen St.88 8t

MISS L. L. BANGS, Stenographer and Copyist, 7 Exchange Place, Room 20 Boston. Carbon and Mimeograph copies furnished. Terms reasonable.



TUTORING in Physics B, C, 1, Math. A, D, Engineering 1a, Spanish 1, Italian 1, Ger. A, Latin A. Fifth year as tutor. Make early engagements.

A. E. DOUCETTE, 8 Thayer Hall.92 3t

TUTORING in Economics 1, 5, 6, and 9; Philosophy 1; and History 13.

F. W. DALLINGER, A. M., 4 Stoughton.92 3t

TUTORING in German. Translation of the classics or scientific German.

S. N. LILIENTHAL, 21 Ellery St.The leading feature in the Crawford Shoe-it fits the average human foot as good as a shoe made to order.
