

The College Year Opens with This Afternoon's Lectures.

Today, between 9 and 1, all students in the College, Graduate School and Lawrence Scientific School must register in the rooms designated.

No meetings in courses of study will be held this morning. The first meetings will be those announced for 1.30 o'clock this afternoon.

College special students re-admitted from a previous year of attendance will meet their Advisers at 9.30 o'clock this morning in the consnltation rooms announced in the Directory of Instructors below.

Places for Registration.Graduates,

University Hall, south entry, 3d ft., 10.


College seniors, Lower Dane.

College juniors, Harvard 6.

College sophomores, Upper Dane.

College freshmen Upper Massachusetts.

College special students, University Hall, room 16.

All students of Lawrence Scientific School, in School Building, 2d ft. Library.

List of Studies.Every college student is required to hand in, on Saturday, Sept. 28, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. m., in the rooms named below, the list of his studies, both prescribed and elective, for the whole year. If the student is a freshman or a special student this must be signed by his adviser.

College seniors, Lower Dane.

College juniors, Harvard 6.

College sophomores Upper Dane.
