

Hollister not yet Back in the 'Varsity Crew. - Order Changed.

Junior Crew.The junior crew is again under the charge of Mr. Mumford. During his absence, the first week on the river, the crew was coached by Captain Forbes, whose place at No. 7 was filled by Jones.

No changes have been made during the last three weeks, and the men are getting accustomed to their positions. The chief faults of the crew as a whole are poor time, and a bad hang at the full reach. The men have a tendency to rush their slides and do not get a firm drive with their legs.

The watermanship is pretty poor as yet, especially among the new men, Stillman, Fox and Mann, none of whom have ever rowed before.

The crew went to the training table at Miss Lappin's, on Mt. Auburn street, yesterday. Only eight men were taken. The men with their order and weights are:

Stroke, Kales, 148 lbs.


7, Forbes (Capt.) 155 lbs.

6, Stillman, 171 lbs.

5, Derby, 170 lbs.

4, Fox, 163 lbs.

3, Fairchild, 150 lbs.

2, Brewer, 152 lbs.

Bow, Mann, 150 lbs.

Substitutes: Jones, 164; Frothingham. 145; Heckscher, 164; Dorman, 162.

Senior Crew.The ninety-five crew has been coached by F. Davis and W. M. Briggs the past few days. Yesterday, however, Capt. Cameron coached. The men rowed in the following order:
