
Bosion Playgoer's Club.

Many well-known people of Boston have started a movement having for its object the organization of a Boston playgoers' club. A meeting for the organization of such an institution will be held at the Twentieth Century Club, 14 Ashburton Place, Boston, on December 5th, at 4.30 p. m. Every member of the University interested in the proposed plan is invited to this meeting.

The following extracts from a circular which has been sent around will show the objects and intentions of the scheme more fully:

"The playgoers of Boston are so disunited, so largely unknown personally to each other, that the judgment that they pass upon plays is far from having the weight that should belong ot any expression of opinion based on experience and thought. It is proposed that this club, to consist of such playgoers as shall be invited to join, shall meet from time to time to listen to addresses on dramatic subjects directly suggested by current productions, to discuss the merits and demerits of such performances as may at the time be attracting public attention, and in general to make the best thought and taste of Boston felt in the dramatic life of the city. While the social side will not be neglected, and, as opportunity may occur, visiting professionals will be invited to meet members, the purpose of the club is primarily serious. It is intended that its influence shall be felt and respected, thus gradually tending toward a higher standard of excellence for our local stage."

The following well-known names are signed to this circular:

H. Gordon Johnson.


Rev. Edward Everett Hale.

Wm. J. Rolfe.

Mrs. Erving Winslow.

Erving Winslow.

John Ritchie, Jr.

Gamaliel Bradford, Jr.

Albert White Vorse.

Mrs. Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland.

Frederick E. Goodrich.

Mrs. E. Sheridan Fry.

Rev. Wm. Copley Winslow.

C. T. Copeland.

W. E. Bryant.

E. F. Edgett.

Professor Alfred Hennequin.

Miss Mary A. Jenkins.

Howard M. Ticknor.

Chas. Emerson Cook.

A. W. Spanhoofdt.

After organization, Professor Alfred Hennequin will speak on "Adapters and Adaptations," to be followed by a short discussion which it is hoped will be opened by Mr. Frank Mayo of "Pudd'nhead Wilson."
