The one mile run, like the 880 yards, was a foregone conclusion. Lutyens of the Cambridge team was picked as the winner, for his record, 4m. 194/5s., was about 11 seconds better than Morgan, the Yale man ever showed.
In the running broad jump, Sheldon was in fairly good form, although his left leg gave him some trouble. He managed to win the competition by several inches.
Hickok was in excellent form in the shot putting contest, and he put the shot five feet farther than the second man, Brown, Yale's second string man.
Again in the 16 pound hammer Hickok set all doubt at rest as to his ability to defeat Cross.
Cady equalled his record of 16 seconds for the 120 yard hurdles on the cinder track. Hatch of Yale surpassed his best previous record of 162/5s.
In the turf race the hurdles were stationary, being firmly imbedded in the ground. This is English style, and the general opinion is that the Americans should adopt it, for there is much less danger running on turf than on a cinder path.