

Results of Yesterday's Matches and the New Drawings for Today's Play.

Waters vs. Allen at 3.30.

First Round.

Birge vs. Brice at 3.30.

Nelson vs. Hunter at 3.30.

Fitz vs. Stackpole at 2.30.


H. G. Gray vs. Hazard at 3.30.

C. E. Bacon vs. O. J. Carleton at 2.

Brown vs. Robinson at 3.30.

P. N. Bacon vs. Lay at 3.30.

Blanchard vs. Chase at 3.30.

Jenney vs. Grew at 3.30.

Butters vs. Hall at 4.

Consolation Doubles.

The preliminary round will be played today.

Wilson and Whitbeck vs. Loines and Sand at 3.30.

Wrenn and Codman vs. Fales and Sturgis at 3.30.

Score cards of the consolation's will be left at Leavitt's. There naturally will be many defaults in the consolation matches, so that players who do not appear at the time at which their match is scheduled will be at once defaulted, since the consolations cannot be allowed to drag on as they have in former years. Prizes will be on exhibition later at Leavitt's.
