
Athletics Since Class Day.

Stroke, H. DuP. Irving, 146

7, W. H. Phelps, 164

6, A. A. Sprague (Captain) 162

5, M. D. Duffield, 168

4, F. C. White, 167


3, F. K. Kernan, 158

2, S. H. Hollister, 168

Bow, H. J. Cornwell, 160

Coxswain, G. P. Orton, 97 1-2

Average weight - 161 5-8.

The annual Harvard-Yale race at New London, June 29, was won by Yale. The times and strokes of the two crews at the half-mile flags were:


Miles. Time. Stroke. Time. Stroke.

Start. 38 40

1-2 2.53 1-2 35 2.58 1-2 38
