
The Chautauqua Summer School.

The catalogue of the system of study to be pursued at Chautauqua during the coming season has just been issued. The courses are unusually extensive in their scope, and several new features have been introduced which will still further enlarge the well-known opportunities of the school for specialization. Among these is the department of history and political science. In this are included lectures by Professor George B. Adams of Yale on "Mediaeval and English Colonial History." Courses will also be offered in English language and literature by Professor A. S. Cook of Yale. The School of Physical Education will be conducted by W. G. Anderson, H. S. Anderson and Dr. J. W. Seaver of Yale, Carl Ziegler of Cincinnati, B. E. McKenzie of Toronto, and Emily M. Bishop of Brooklyn. The first meetings of the instructors will be held Thursday, July 5, at 1.30 p. m. The various departments will be organized on the same day. Recitations will begin Friday, July 6, at 8 a. m. Special information concerning the details of the work may be obtained of William R. Harper, Chicago, Ill.
