
H. U. B. C.

ON Monday last a meeting of the H. U. B. C. was held in Massachusetts Hall. In the absence of the President, the Secretary, Mr. A. M. Sherwood, called the meeting to order. Mr. D. C. Bacon was elected temporary Chairman. The Treasurer being absent, no Treasurer's Report was submitted. After the reading of the Secretary's Report and its acceptance, the balloting for officers ensued, and the following were elected: President, W. F. Weld, '76; Vice-President, W. N. Swift, '77; Secretary, A. M. Sherwood, '78; Treasurer, Mr. Roberts (graduate); Assistant Treasurer, G. H. Bradford, '76.

The following amendment to Art. VI. Sec. 1 of the Constitution was then proposed by Mr. Wetmore to be voted on at the next meeting, - That the power to depose the captain of the University Crew for decided incompetence or neglect of duty shall be also vested in the University Crew of the year immediately preceding his term of office.

Mr. Loring, the captain of the crew which went to England, made some well-timed remarks which we hope will have the effect they deserve. He insists that the crew is not got together early enough in the autumn, and that during the last four or five years - since we count our annual defeat - the discipline of the men has been not as severe as in the days when we carried off the flags on Lake Quinsigamond. Mr. Watson of '69 agreed with Mr. Loring that the discipline had become lax, and that we put off the formation of the crew until too late, and added that he believed in long runs and "many strokes" at the weights.

The remarks of these graduates seemed to wake up the meeting, which had been hitherto rather unenthusiastic, and the rest of the business was despatched with spirit.

It was voted to leave the election of delegates to the Convention to the Executive Committee, and that they be instructed not to withdraw from the Association.


Mr. Watson moved that we propose to Yale to row a separate race either before or after the struggle at Saratoga. This motion was carried, and the meeting then adjourned.

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