Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: L. Coolidge and J. T. Kilbreth.- Negative: H. L. Cannon and W. S. Hockley.
Open to all students of the University.
Bowdoin Prize Dissertation. The "Defensor Pacis" of Marsiglio of Padua and the "De Monarchia" of Dante. Mr. J. Sullivan, Jr. Sever 5, 8 p. m.
Open to the public.
4. FRIDAY.Assignment of College Rooms for 1894-95.
Divinity School. Preaching Service. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m.
Open to the public.
Wendell Phillips Club. Debate. University 16, 7.30 p. m.
Question, "Resolved, That the mayors of cities should appoint the heads of municipal departments."
Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: W. S. Appleton '96, G. L. Paine '96.- Negative: R. H. E. Starr '96, N. L. J. Gron, Gr.
Open to all members of the University.
Harvard Engineering Society. The History of the Locomotive (illustrated with the stereopticon). Professor F. R. Hutton. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 7.45 p. m.
Open to the public.
Graduate Club. Life in Russian Universities. Mr. A. Chessin. G. A. R. Hall, Quincy Square, 8 p. m.
Open only to regular and honorary members of the Club, and to members of the Faculty.
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