
Fact and Rumor.

The trustees of Rutgers have decided that the commencement exercises shall hereafter be held in the evening.

The Legislature of Wisconsin has appropriated $85,000 for athletic grounds and buildings for the State University.

The second and third volumes of the orations of G. W. Curtis, edited by Professor Norton, will soon be published.

Woodcock, of the Pittsburg baseball team and a former member of the Brown nine, is at present coaching the candidates for the Brown team.

Japan has two national educational associations with a total membership of over 10,000. The majority of the members are university graduates.


One of the conditions of eligibility placed on the applicants to train for the University of Pennsylvania's crew is that they must weight 165 pounds or over.

The case which has been pending in the courts, of the town of Quincy vs. Dartmouth College, has been decided in favor of the former. The case involved $300,000.
