
University Calendar.

Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: W. H. Jones, Sp., W. B. Wolffe '95. Negative: F. R. Steward '96, W. R. Buckminster '94.

Open to all members of the University.

New Harvard Union. Debate. Harvard 1,7.30 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That the Parliament of Religions, 1893, will be beneficial to the progress of Christianity."

Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: C. Vrooman and R. C. Ringwalt. Negative: E. H. Warren and A. W. White.


Open for debate to all members of the University.

Graduate Club. The Relations of Technical and Professional to General Education. President Francis A. Walker. G. A. R. Hall, Quincy Square, 8 p. m.

Open only to regular and honorary members of the Club, and to members of the Faculty.

3. SATURUAY.Harvard Teachers' Association. Third Annual Meeting. Sever 11, 9.30 a m.

Open to the public.

SYMPHONY CONCERTS.Thursday evenings, March 8, April 5, 26.

LECTURES ON THE FINE ARTS.A course of six lectures, on Early and High Renaissance Painting in Italy, will be given by Professor John C. Van Dyke, of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, at 8 p. m. as follows:

March 12.- The Early Renaissance-The Florentines.

March 14.- The Early Renaissance-The Umbrians, Bolognese, and Paduans.

March 16.- The High Renaissance-The Great Florentines.
