
University Calendar.


15. SATURDAY.Last day for receiving from first-year students applications for Price Green-leaf Aid.

APPLETON CHAPEL - SUNDAY EVENINGS.Dec. 9. - Rev. Professor J. Estlin Carpenter, of Oxford, England.

Dec. 16. - Rev. Professor Francis G. Peabody, D.D., of Cambridge.


LECTURES ON LITERATURE.During the year 1894-95 Mr. Copeland will give a number of evening lectures upon literature, of which the prime object will be to stimulate interest in good reading, and particularly to encourage discussion of such matters of literary consequence as may from time to time present themselves. A second object is to suggest lines of reading to students in the University who may desire some knowledge of English Literature without the minute study demanded by the regular courses of instruction. The following subjects and dates are already announced:

Dec. 11. - Three Religions.

Dec. 18. - Contemporary Books and Plays.

Jan. 8. - Matthew Arnold, Walter Pater, and Mr. Henry James.

Jan. 15. - "The New Woman."

These lectures are not open to the public.

LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF IDEAS OF A FUTURE LIFE.Professor J. Estlin Carpenter, of Oxford, England, will deliver the second part of the course of twelve lectures on The History of Ideas of a Future Life, in Divinity Chapel, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7.30.

Dec. 11. - 11. Greece and Rome: the Influences of Philosophy.

Dec. 13. - 12. The Psychological Roots of the Belief.
