
The Bowdoin Prizes.

5. The relations of aquatic organisms to the purity of water supplies.

6. The bearing of recent investigations in the Algonkian and Cambrian formations upon the permanence of the North American continent.

There are nine prizes offered. The conditions under which prizes are awarded are the same as governed the awards of last year, and may be found in the Catalogue for 1893-94.

Besides the Bowdoin Prizes, the Dante Prize, the Sargent Prize, the George B. Sohier Prize, the Paine Prizes, the Toppan Prizes, the Sumner Prize, the Sales Prize, and the Bennett Prize are offered. Altogether there are offered for award by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences eighteen prizes with a maximum total of $1890.

Subjects suggested, but not prescribed, for the Sumner Prize are: The scientific treatment of city slums; the housing of the working classes; the child problem in great cities: history and prospects of labor organizations in the United States; the duty of the states to the laboring classes.


The subjects for the Bennett Prize are: The proper relations of the United States with Hawaii; how should postmasters be selected?

The subjects for the Toppan Prize are: Local government in England in 1600; separation of Church and State in the United States; how far is the extension of democracy modifying methods of direct and indirect taxation.
