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In a few days, we shall send out a number of printed postals which we hope will result in enlarging the scope of the news reported by the paper. These postals will be sent to the various officers of the University, to professors and assistant professors in the college, and to professors in the various professional schools. They will be a simple means by which any of the officers or professors may notify the paper that they have matter of general interest for publication.

The University is developing, in an educational way, as is no similar institution in the country. The changes and improvements made and planned in the different departments are very numerous. Moreover, the University is so large that no single student can have means of knowing the progress that is being made in the institution as a whole. We consider it eminently desirable, from the student standpoint, that the University's growth should be carefully studied.

In presenting the facts, we are nearly powerless without the assistance of the officers and professors. We hope that means will now be furnished whereby they, without inconvenience to themselves, can give the requisite material. The system, we think, will also save them from many intrusions on their time. Hearty cooperation on their part is earnestly desired. A similar system has already been tried on a limited scale; we look for proportionately better results now that it is tried on a larger scale.
