On December twentieth a meeting was held of students interested in engineering subjects. This meeting was addressed by Professor Hollis. He showed the desirability of a society to promote a general knowledge and discussion of engineering matters, and spoke also of the important aid it would give to graduates of the school to have an acquaintance with professional men already started in their fields of work.
A committee was appointed to organize a society which should meet these needs, and this committee has decided to call a meeting on some evening in the coming week to effect a regular organization. The time of this meeting will be announced later in the CRIMSON. Sixty men have already signified their wish to become members of the society, and a blue-book is kept in the Scientific School library where all others who wish to join may sign their names.
In the near future the society will be addressed by Mr. E. D. Leavitt, at one time chief engineer of the U. S. Navy, and now consulting engineer of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company.
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