
Book Review.

Two Harvard men have recently published a little volume which is noteworthy for contents and typographical beauty alike. Its title reads: "First Editions of American Authors. A Manual for Book Lovers" and this explains its whole scope. It is not a book which will interest the generality of readers but among bibliophiles it promises to be of no little importance. Until the present time. - so far as we know - there has been no exhaustive bibliography of American first editions; this volume therefore fills a vacancy and it is not inappropriate that it should come during this Columbian year. Herbert Stuart Stone '94 is the compiler and the book contains an attractive and amusing introduction by Eugene Field, the western poet and booklover. The printing was done at the University Press and the volume is as pretty a piece of work as any book fellow could desire.

[18mo. pp. 228, Cambridge, Stone and Kimball. Price $1.25.]
