IRVING TERRACE. - 50 A. Kirkland St. First class rooms, all modern improvements, location unsurpassed.
DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4. at 8 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.
1y.TUTORING in Fine Arts 3. History 1, 11 12, Philosophy 5, Economics 4, Semitic 12.
2 Manter Hall.TUTORING. - Greek C; French A, 1b; German A, 1b. Also tutoring, now or during the summer for entrance examinations and removal of conditions.
JAMES F. MORTON, A. M.46 College House.
A GOOD price will be paid for good sets of notes in the following courses; Latin 10, The Private Life of the Romans; Latin 28, Latin Grammar; Teachers Course in Latin. Address M. care of Leavitt and Pierce.
YALE'S DISADVANTAGES. - She has not eight quick sail or rail and water routes to the World's Fair, as I have. Stop at Washington D. C., Niagara Falls, White Mts. $13.60 saved. Tickets to all points west. Please call before I leave, June 20.
R. F. WOODWARD, Harvard Agt.8 College Ho.
BOOKS PACKED - No man living knows how to handle a book as well as the man who binds it. Therefore, if you wish your books packed with care, employ McNamee the bookbinder, whose shop is opposite the College Library. Terms very reasonable.