
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale-Harvard track athletic conference which was to have been held at Springfield Saturday, has been postponed a week, because of the inability of one of the Yale delegates to be present.

A billiard and pool tournament has been in progress at Yale all last week. The finals were played Friday night between H. L. Bloodgood and M. B. L. Burr, both of New York. Bloodgood won by a score of 100 to 76.

In the annual indoor games of the Interscholastic Association held Saturday. Hopkinson won the majority of points by a large margin. The team race between Hopkinson and Roxbury Latin was won by the latter.

Prof. Charles H. Livermore of the Institute of Technology will give a series of eight lectures at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, on "The Origin and Growth of the Family."

The "Student," the Amherst paper has recently introduced a new department under the head of "The College Trifler." Each week the anonymous writer takes some subject on college customs and practices.


The trustees of the Pa. Museum and School for Industrial Art have been offered $100,000 for the purchase of certain buildings, on the condition that a like sum shall be raised by the trustees. The giver is said to be William Weightman of Philadelphia.

The University of Pennsylvania 'varsity eight is now rowing in the tank as follows: Barnes, '94, Law, stroke; Walkers, '94, Dent., No. 7; Wilson, '94, Med., No. 6; O. Wagenhurst, '96, Coll., No. 5; Knipe, '95, Med., No. 4; J. Wagenhurst, '94, Coll., No. 3; Marshall, '94, Vet. (captain), No. 2, and Beck, '95, Med., bow.
