Mar. 5. - Rev. Professor C. C. Everett, D. D.
Mar. 12. - Rev. M. S. C. Wright, of New York.
LECTURES ON ENGLISH LITERATURE.Mr. E. Charlton Black, late of the University of Edinburgh, is delivering a course of twenty lectures on English Literature, in Sever 11. on Monday evenings at 7.30. The lectures are open to the public, and the subjects, as far as announced, are as follows: -
Mar. 6. - Addison and Steele.
Mar. 13. - Goldsmith.
Mar. 20. - Cowper.
Mar. 27. - Robert Burns.
LECTURE ON JOURNALISM.On Tuesday evening, March 7, Mr. Hammond Lamont will lecture in Sever 11, at 7.30 p. m. Subject: "The College Graduate on a Newspaper."
The lecture, though addressed especially to undergraduates who are interested in journalism, will be open to the public.
A NEW COURSE IN LITERATURE AND READING ALOUD.A new voluntary course in English Literature and the Art of Reading Aloud will be given by Mr. Copeland during the second half-year. The second meeting will be held in Sever 11, on Friday, March 10, at 3.30 p. m. A great variety of authors, ranging chronologically from Shakespeare to Mr. Rudyard Kipling, will be discussed and read from; and novels and plays - with some account of famous modern performances - will make a large proportion of the course. Meetings are to be held once a week; and the hour will be divided between reading aloud, and informal speaking by the instructor. Only good readers will be allowed to read, but good listeners will be thought not the least valuable members of the class.
HARVARD TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION.The Harvard Teachers' Association was founded a little more than a year ago. It is composed of officers and graduates at Harvard University either in term time or in the Summer Schools, and who are now teaching or intend to be teachers. Its object is to promote the development of the study of Education and Teaching at Harvard University, to promote the professional advancement of the members of the Association, and especially to promote the free interchange of thought upon education questions among the teachers whom the University has sent forth.