A tract of 160 acres in Natick has been sold to a syndicate which intends to build a college for women, similar to Wellesley.
The two plays of the November Club at Phillips Andover, "A Rice Pudding." and "A Love Game," were given last night.
The Sophomore class of Oberlin will present the college with a portrait of Pres. Belletine on their class day, next June.
The Tufts College ball team will play their first game April 5th, with the nine from the law department of Boston University.
The trustees of the State University of Indiana have determined to offer Ex-President Harrison the presidency of that institution.
There is a bill pending in the New York Legislature providing that a fourth of the members of all boards of education in that state shall be women.
The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Williams College Alumni Association of the city of New York will be held Thursday evening.
Besides Pres. Raymond there are in the faculty at Wesleyan, 12 professors, five associate professors, two tutors, six assistants, and two instructors.