
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale Divinity School has a double quartette.

A new song-book will soon be published at Cornell.

An infirmary is to be built at Williams this spring.

Bowers has been elected captain of the Yale graduate nine.

A thesis on the labor question is due in Philosophy V to-day.


Mr. Heinrich Meyn will be soloist at vesper service this afternoon.

The freshman class at Cornell held a banquet last Saturday evening.

Oberlin College is trying to introduce the Greek sport of javelin throwing.

The Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs gave a concert in Melrose last evening.

A. A. Zimmerman, the champion cyclist, will shortly publish a book on bicycling.

Mr. Copeland delivered a lecture in Norcross Hall, Boston, Tuesday evening.

The preliminary appointments for commencement at Williams have been given out.

Dr. W. G. Farlow lectured before the Botanical Club, Monday night, on Maine Algae.

Capt. Vail rowed yesterday for the first time and will probably row regularly from now on.

The Graduate Club of the Harvard Annex gave a reception at Fay House, Tuesday afternoon.
