Princeton has four senators and three members of the house of representatives in the United States congress.
The Dartmouth Club will dine at the Tremont House March 4, and will have President-elect Tucker as a guest.
Hollister, Draper and Ide are the only members of last year's ball team at Williams in training for this year's nine.
The West Point students gave a play recently entitled "Lex et Armor." The comedy was written by the students.
The varsity and second nines of the University of Pennsylvania played their first ball game of the season last Thursday.
The University of California and Leland Stanford University students propose to have an intercollegiate ball at San Francisco.
Those men in English A, who sent in petitions, will receive the corrected marks today and tomorrow, in the third hour sections.
There are 18 men training for the Williams freshman nine, and games have been arranged with Andover, Exeter and other schools.
The House of Representatives and Senate of Michigan visited Ann Arbor in a body yesterday, to look into the needs of the University.
It is proposed to send an expedition from Amherst under Prof. Todd, to South America in April to observe the eclipse of the sun.
Miss Lucy Warren, of Boston University '95, has won the Old South essay prize of $40 and a membership in the Mass. Historical Society.
A map is due in Hist. 1 on Friday, containing the German Electorates. Ecclesiastical territory, and the possessions of the house of Hapsburg under Charles V.