The World's Fair athletic grounds will seat 35,000 people, and contain a half-mile oval track, 440 yards with one turn, 220 yards and 300 yards straightaway.
Leland Stanford Jr. University, will this year follow the lead of Eastern Universities in opening a summer school - the first of its kind on the Pacific coast.
The candidates for the freshman base ball team of the Institute of Technology, held their first practice Saturday afternoon on the Congress street, ball grounds.
The first of a series of five long-distance handicap runs for candidates for the Yale A. A. team, was held Saturday. The course was two and a half miles long and was won by William Scoville, time 14m. with McKeever second. The winners in these runs will receive silver trophy cups.
At the annual dinner of the Harvard alumni of Chicago toasts were responded to as follows: "Harvard College" Prof. J. B. Ames of the Law School; "Harvard's Influence in the University of Chicago," Prof. P. Shorey of Chicago University; "Our friend the Enemy" Chester M. Dawes of Yale.