
Fact and Rumor.

The grand stand on the new athletic field of Northwestern University cost $3,000. The field is one of the finest in the west.

John M. Robinson who graduated from the Scientific School in 1856, and who was a Colonel in the Confederate Army died Tuesday.

A special team race will be arranged for the interscholastic games, March 4, between the English High and Boston Latin school teams.

The first and second 'varsity crews as they will row today are as follows:

First crew, Johnson '94 Fearing '93 Cummings '93, Stearns Gr., Eddy '95, L. Davis '94, Blake '94, Newell '94, Second crew, Purdon '95, Saltonstall '94, Earle '93, Potter '95, Duffield '93, Shephard '96, F. Davis '95, Burgess '93.


Rev. E.S. Drown addressed the St. Paul's Society Wednesday evening. Officers for the ensuing half year were elected as follows: Pres. H. Saville '93, Vice-President, M. Ladd '94, Sec. J. K. Whittemore '95, Treas. G. T. Morse '95, Chorister G. B. Magrath '94, Librarian C. E. Hutchison '93.

Rev. Thomas G. Valpey, who died nearly four years ago bequeathed to Phillips Andover $500. the income of which was to be used for an annual prize in the classical department. This sum has recently become available. The prizes will be contended for next year for the first time.
