
Fact and Rumor.

The annual catalogue of the U. of P., just out, shows an attendance of 2,047 students in the various departments.

A debate is to be held among the colleges of Pennsylvania on the evening that the State intercollegiate games come off.

The U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis has organized an eight-oared crew, and a three-mile race is to be arranged with the U. of P.

A. E. W. Gould has been elected temporary captain of the Columbia freshman crew. There are now eighteen candidates in training.

Twelve committees have been appointed at the U. of P. to canvass among the students for the $2000 needed for the expenses of the crew.


Two thousand five hundred square feets of the Liberal Arts building of the World's Fair has been assigned to Columbia college.

The University of Chicago has under consideration a plan whereby classes will be formed to study systematically the World's Fair exhibits.

Yale's Freshman crew of last year have all received silk trophy flags in recognition of their victory in the Yale-Harvard-Columbia freshman race.

Professor Channing's consultation hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 12.15 to 12.45; and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 10.30 to 11, instead of the days and hours as printed in yesterday's CRIMSON.

Twenty-five men began training Monday for Columbia's track athletic team The old men who will train are Kingsley, (Captain), Harding. Bowman, Morris, Pell, Harrison, Grace, Street, Stout, Iglehart, Leavy, Earle, Brown, De Salazar, and Lawson.
