3. Libaire, C., vs. Skinner, Y.
4. Roberts, P., vs. Spalding, H.
Friday, December 29.
1. Spalding, H., vs. Hymes, C.
2. Hewins. H., vs. Libaire, C.
3. Roberts, P., vs. Ross, Y.
4. Ewing, P., vs. Skinner, Y.
Saturday, Decmber 30.
1. Skinner, Y. vs. Hymes, C.
2. Hewins, H., vs. Roberts, P.
3. Ross, Y., vs. Libaire, C.
4. Spalding, H. vs. Ewing, P.
Monday, January 1.
1. Roberts, P., vs. Hymes, C.
2. Hewins, H., vs. Skinner, Y.
3. Spalding, H., vs. Ross, Y.
4. Ewing, P., vs. Libaire, C.
The first-named player has first move. Games begin at 3 p. m., and if not finished by 11 p. m. will then be adjudicated by Mr. Samuel Loyd, referee, author of "Chess Problems." Recess from 6.30 to 8 p. m.
Two hundred admission tickets have been received by the committee of the Chess and Whist Club and may be obtained at Leavitt's for fifty cents apiece. It is hoped that many, even though they may not be able to be present themselves, will take tickets to send to friends who could attend, for the expenses of the tournament are paid by these admissions alone. College men who live in New York are especially expected to help in this matter.