10 Holyoke House will be assigned to first applicant at Bursar's office. Bonus $50 will be paid. Apply to 381 Harvard street.
11 2t.
$50 CASH.- To any one taking off my hands a suite of rooms in Felton Hall, on second floor, with sun exposure, dormitory for two, large study, and private bath room with hot and cold water. Gas in each room, and open fire in study. Call and see the rooms, No. 16, and leave your address.
$50 Cash bonus to anyone who will take off the hands of the present owner, the fine single or double suite, 14 Shepard Block. Sunny exposure. Private bath. Electric light. Steam heat. Exactly one minute to yard. Rent low. Apply to Janitor, 31 Holyoke Street.
11 2t
WILL the man who took by mistake a new black derby with a weed on it, from Memorial at dinner last night, please return it to me at my room as soon as possible. J. K. Whittemore, 27 Holyoke street.
HARVARD gentlemen desiring instruction in fashionable dancing would do well to attend Mr. and Mrs. Black's young people's class at Cotillion Hall, Huntington avenue. Private lessons and circulars. Address, 204 Dantmouth street, Boston.
6 6t.