
Varsity Crew.

Although the 'varsity crew has been training for only a short time, the men are beginning to get in fairly good form and the improvement made from day to day can be seen. There are now fifteen candidates for the boat, not including the coxswains. These are divided into two crews. Newell has not yet returned to college but is expected back in a few days and will begin training at once. Vail who along with Mr. Perkins is coaching the men, will not go into training for the present.

The exercise now consists in light dumb - bell work and rowing in the tank. In the boat the men first go through the motions of rowing without the others and then with them. Since the training commenced the men have loved with stationary seats but today the work of using the sliding seats was begun. At present the oars are not feathered; this motion will be taken up in a few days.

Below is printed a list of the candidates together with the weight and position of each:


Name. Position. Weight.


W S. Johnson stroke 178

L Davis 7 177

S. Eddy 6 181.50

D O Earle 5 172

H. Williams 4 167

J. R. Fearing 3 175

A Potte. 2 172 1 - 2

W. B. Stearns 1 178


F. Davis stroke 163
