
Winter Meetings.

The management of the Harvard Athletic Association has arranged the dates of the three Winter Meetings for March 11, 18 and 25. The first day will be devoted to boxing, wrestling and shot putting. The classes and the limits determining them will be decided at another meeting. A number of students have a ready signified their intention of entering in these events and it is hoped that others will do the same, for every effort is to be made to have these meetings a thorough success.

The two following dates will be "ladies' days" and several novelties will be introduced. Many the colleges and certain athletic clubs will be invited to send representatives. Classes in tumbling, parallel bars, etc., have already been formed in preparation for the coming events and everyone is urged to join at once, whether with the intention of entering as contestants in the meeting or not. Full particulars will be published in the CRIMSON in the course of a few days.
