

HARVARD GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. - Will all members who have claims on the Treasurer of the Glee Club for rebates on fares paid on the Christmas Trip, send word to him at 8 Holworthy, stating the names of cities between which such fares were paid.

H. A. CUTLER, Treas.


NOTICE FOR COXSWAINS. - All candidates for coxswain of the 'Varsity Crew will send me their names, with weight and ages, as soon as possible.

D. R. VAIL,4 Holyoke House.



'93 CREW. - Be at the gymnasium dressed to row at 4.45 sharp. Everyone is wanted whether he has ever tried before or not.

GEORGE E. BURGESS.H. A. A. - All members of the University interested in sparring and wrestling will please meet in the Trophy room of the gymnasium Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 5 p.m.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The monthly social will be held this evening in Holden Chapel. Owing to the reception given by the St. Pauls Society, the hour will be not 8.00 as usual but 7.00. Dr. Lyman Abbott will speak and the Banjo Club will play. All members of the University are cordially invited.

CHESS CLUB. - Regular meeting tonight.

JUNIOR CREW. - Row to-day at 5.00 sharp.

C. T. BOND.HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW CLUB. - There will be a meeting Tuesday evening, January 10th, in Mr. Dibblee's room No. 55 Hastings at 7.30.

R. P. BOWLER, Clerk.HARVARD ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL CLUB. - The club will hold their annual dinner at the Thorndike Saturday evening Jan. 14. at seven o'clock. Men will please sign in blue-book at Leavitt & Pierce's at once. Subscription $2.50.

J. M. THOMPSON,Secretary.
