FURNISHED ROOMS for Class Day and Commencement. Suite of three rooms and bath-room, with board. Five minutes walk from Harvard Square. Apply at 5 Hilliard St.
tfTUTORING in Spanish 1. Italian 1.
F. C. COMMONS '92,
18 Hollis.John S. Cranston, Samuel K. Sanford, and James B. Niver have recently been appointed General Managers of the Equitable Life Assurance Society with headquarters at the Equitable Building, Boston, Enterprising and ambitious young men will do well to consult the above firm before securing positions elsewhere.
tfWANTED. - A good talker to make a local canvass during vacation. Address P. J. Glynn, room 4, Franklin Block, Marlboro, Mass.
6tLOST. - Between the entrance to Holmes field and the Zoological Museum a ladies gold watch with small bar chain. The finder will be rewarded by leaving word at 12 Frisbie Place.
2tNEXT College year and summer season. Very desirable rooms. suites and single, furnished or unfurnished. Fireplaces and all modern improvements to be had at 50 Kirkland Street. Apply at once.
THERE is an opportunity for a club table of fourteen University men for next year at the Refrectory of the Episcopal Theological School. Please apply at 13 Lawrence Hall before June 14.
4tDesirable suite of rooms to let in private family, ten minutes walk from Law School. Young men wishing a quiet, refined home for the coming college year, can be accommodated at reasonable rates, with family table board if preferred. Address H. R., Crimson office.
2tSEMINAR in Political Economy 1. Division B will be carefully reviewed on Wednesday, June 15, in Grays 1. At 3 o'clock, Co-operation, Banking and Taxation. At 7.30 o'clock, Laughlin's Bimetallism and Financial Legislation. Fee (payable in advance) $2.00 for each or $3.00 for both reviews.
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H. U. B. C.