
The Class Races.

This afternoon at 4.30, the annual class races will be rowed over the usual course in the Charles River basin. The start is from the Longwood Bridge straight down to the Harvard Bridge, thence with a slight turn to the Union Boat Club, a few feet this side of which is the finish line. An extremely close contest is looked for, as the crews are to all appearances more evenly matched than last year.

So much in the way of criticism of the crews has been said in the CRIMSON lately, that more general remarks upon their rowing are in the nature of an irrelevance. This afternoon, every crew will speak, or rather row for itself. Their positions are the same as published in the CRIMSON several mornings ago: '94 next to the wall, then '93, '92, and '95 on the outside. The men who will row this afternoon are as follows:



Stroke, F. N. Watriss, Chicago, 1681-2


7, D. F. Jones, Minneapolis, 163

6, G. F. Steedman, St. Louis, 170

5, W. M. Weed, Savannah, 165

4, J. Hubbard, Boston, 164

3, J. H. Hunt, New York, 164

2, H. B. Frost, Belmont, 164

Bow, J. H. Kidder, Brooklyn, 163

Coxswain, I. Amory, Boston, 120

Colors, blue and white.

