
Tennis Leagues Schedule.

The following arrangement of matches have been made out, so as to fit the unoccupied hours of the players as far as possible. It is especially requested by the committee, that no change will be made, unless absolutely necessary. Matches can only be postponed on account of rain, or by mutual agreement, and the committee reserve the right to default both players, in case a postponed match is not played off within two weeks after the scheduled time. Defaults will in all cases be allowed fifteen minutes after the scheduled time, unless postponed by previous consent. Saturdays have been left open for postponed matches.

First League.

April 18 - At 11.00 a. m.,

Hovey vs. Hoppin.

Potter vs. Hunt.


At 3.30 p. m.,

Read vs. Ewing.

April 19 - At 11.00 a. m.,

Hovey vs. Potter.

Johnston vs. Hunt.

At 3.30 p. m.,

Winslow vs. Ewing.

April 20 - At 11.00 a. m.,

Hovey vs. Brown.

At 3.30 p. m.,
