
Crew Notes.

Stroke, Davis.

7, Purdon.

6, Eddy.

5, Grant.

4, Potter.


3, Briggs.

2, Richardson.

Bow, Cameron.

Subs, Ninde.

Subs, Cook.

'92 has been here the whole vacation, and seems to work with a vigor and determination that is a model for senior crews, or any crew, and the work is telling plainly in the improvment made in the rowing. The crew has been in a shell several days, but owing to the bad weather lately, it has been put into the barge again. There have been no changes since the last writing.

'93 has not rowed much during the recess. Keyes was injured so that the crew was broken up, and it did not seem best to attempt much at this time. The order of the men is the same as before the recess.

'94 has rowed regularly. They have secured the services of Mr. Storrow, '88, to coach. He will probably be of much service to them. Some of the men are sick with colds, and are not fit to row. They are rowing in the same order as before recess. They have just received their paper shell from Waters of Troy, and are very much displeased with it. However, it is as good work as can be expected from such an establishment.
