
Fact and Rumor.

George Goldie of the N. Y. A. C. has been secured to train the candidates for the Yale Mott-Haven team, for a few days.

A special meeting of the New York Athletic Club will be held next Thursday to consider the advisability of erecting a new club house.

The Amherst chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society has established a series of four lectures to be known as the Phi Beta Kappa course.

President Andrews, of Boston University, will probably not accept Dr. Harper's call to a chair in the graduate department of Chicago University.

The following men will probably be on the Brown team: Sexton, Tenney, Weeks, Jones, Steere, Magill, George, Cooke and Feeley. - Brown Herald.


The University of Michigan, is about to organize a Western Intercollegiate Base Ball League, comprising the North Western University, University of Minn., University of Wis., and Chicago University.
