The average weight of the thirteen men now in training for the Yale 'varsity crew is almost 173 lbs.
The new Chicago University will include among its other departments, an institute of Technology.
The companies under Lieut. Totten at Yale will be inspected in June by Major Hughes of Fort Hamilton.
Since Lehigh is no longer a free institution, Stanford University is the only American college in which tuition is free.
The sum of $250,000 has recently been bequeathed to the United States Government to erect a memorial hall at the West Point Military Academy.
Williams has raised $400 for support of the base ball team, which, with the gate money, is expected to carry the team through the season.
Since her foundation Yale has had 25 publications - the Cabinet, founded in 1806, being the first published, and the Y. M. C. A. Record, founded in 1891, being the latest.
The senior class of the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale have appointed a committee to consider the advisability of wearing the cap and gown at the commencement exercises.