Insurance, 175 00
Cups, 30 00
Oars, 32 50
Float moving, 10 00
Water rate, 15 00
Hardware, 7 00
New rack, 10 00
Sundries and emergencies, 147 50
$1,300 00
This makes a total expenditure for the year of $2,212.21, as against receipts of $2,256.13. The club may therefor expect to reach the first of October free of debts, with an increased stock and without any encroaching on the reserving fund.
R. STONE, Treasurer.The boat house will open on the 21st of March, a week from Monday. The stock of boats will be increased by two 13 inch single shells, one 15 inch double (the same size as the narrowest of those already in use), and three canvas canoes. It is the intention of the Governing Board to allow members to take these canoes away over Sunday. In this way it will be possible to make little trips of a day or two.
It is also proposed to keep the house open until 9 p. m., or there abouts, in May and June thus enabling members when the evenings get longer, to row after supper.
The programme of races this spring will be larger than in any previous year. First will come the usual scratch four oar races, in the early part of April, cups being given to each man in the winning crew. Similar races will also be held in the latter part of May. About that time a mile four oared race, like that of two years ago, will be held for organized crews, the prizes being flags for each man. Some time in May or June there will be a race for single shells in which prizes will be given to the first and second. The club may also hold a race for double sculls.
The club has now an ample stock of the best boats a large dressing room with lockers and what are probably the best shower baths in Cambridge. Men wishing to join will apply to the secretary, C. Morgan, 3 Littles Block. His office hours will be announced later in the CRIMSON.
All members of the University are cordially invited to look over the house and see what the club offers.