
Fact and Rumor.

The petition to have the cars stop at the college entrance will have a hearing before the Board of Aldermen Thursday evening.

Dr. Haley will give a lecture on Friday at 3.30 to the members of Latin C. There will be no recitations in the course on that day.

Professor Packard of Brown has been elected a member of the Imperial Society of Natural History and Anthropology at Moscow.

The Legislature of Wisconsin recently appropriated $60,000 for the construction of a new law building for the University of Wisconsin.

Amherst's Faculty has been petitioned to change the regulation, requiring attendance at morning prayers and church twice on Sundays.


The glee club at Rutgers has discarded dress suits, and will hereafter at its concerts appear in gowns and mortar-board caps, English student fashion.

An influential portion of the professors in Germany are endeavoring to have modern languages as optional substitutes for classics in the German Gymnasia.
