
Fact and Rumor.

A competition for the amateur championship of the United States will take place in the B. A. A. shooting gallery February 17.

There are forty-one college graduates on the N. Y. Tribune, thirty-eight on the Sun, thirty-three on the Times, and twenty-eight on the World.

Brown is the only university of importance that is not represented in the council of the new University Athletic Club of New York City.

The Dartmouth alumni have promised to raise a fund of $34,000, for the purpose of purchasing and fitting up a field and for remodeling the gymnasium.

A mangrove tree has been successfully grown under glass at the Biological School of the University of Pennsylvania. All previous attempts to cultivate this tree in the United States have failed.


Professor Beers of Yale will read a paper on "Entrance Examinations in English at Yale," at the monthly meeting of Schoolmasters Association, to be held at Columbia College on Saturday afternoon.
